Hyper-arid region faces evaporation paradox, impacting water resources and climate.
Lake evaporation in hyper-arid regions was studied by measuring and estimating evaporation on East Juyan Lake in China. The researchers used a floating evaporation pan and a model to calculate evaporation rates. They found that the lake's evaporation varied from 3.7 to 8.1 mm/day, with a mean of 6.5 mm/day. During the growing season, evaporation was around 80% of the annual amount. By estimating evaporation from 2002 to 2015, they discovered that the mean daily evaporation was 6.5 mm/day, with growing season evaporation at 1233.7 mm. The study confirmed the existence of the evaporation paradox in this region and validated the complementary relationship theory.