Wheat Straw Pretreatment Boosts Biofuel Production, Transforming Renewable Energy Landscape
The researchers found that freezing and thawing wheat straw before using enzymes makes it easier to break down the plant material into sugars. They tested different freezing temperatures and times and discovered that hemicellulose in wheat straw is more affected by this process than cellulose. By freezing the straw at -80℃ for 24 hours or at -10℃ for 24 hours, they managed to increase the efficiency of breaking down cellulose and hemicellulose significantly. Their images show that the freezing and thawing process creates cracks and holes in the wheat straw. They also found that the freezing process changed the structure of the straw, affecting both the crystalline and amorphous parts and breaking hydrogen bonds between them. This study shows that freezing and thawing could be a useful way to improve the breakdown of wheat straw into sugars.