Groundnut Farmers in Island Ecosystems Reap Bountiful Harvests with Early Sowing
In the study, different ways of planting groundnuts were tested in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands from 2007 to 2009. They looked at when to plant, how to plant, and which groundnut varieties worked best. The method of sowing didn't really affect how well the groundnuts grew. Early planting in December gave the highest yields, especially compared to planting later in January. Early planting also made more money in returns. Both the 'SG 99' and 'ICGS 76' groundnut varieties did about the same in terms of how much they produced and how much money they made. Planting in December used energy more efficiently compared to planting in January. So, planting groundnuts early can lead to better yields and profits in Island conditions.