Estrogen Therapy Threatens Male Fertility: Sperm Count Plummets, Hormones Disrupted
The study looked at how a hormone called ethinyl estradiol affects male fertility. They gave a man different doses of ethinyl estradiol and checked his sperm quality and hormone levels over time. Low doses didn't harm sperm, but high doses did. FSH hormone decreased before LH hormone under increasing doses of ethinyl estradiol. Testosterone levels dropped with FSH, not LH. Semen volume and fructose content decreased with testosterone. Hormone levels bounced back after stopping treatment. Ethinyl estradiol didn't affect certain hormones like estrone and prolactin. The hormone DHEAS from the adrenal gland decreased with ethinyl estradiol. Overall, ethinyl estradiol had a stronger effect on FSH and sperm motility than on LH and sperm density, and it mainly lowered testosterone by acting directly on the testes.